Top 5 Dividend Pies: How Big of a Slice Should You Cut?

Who doesn’t love the idea of making money while lounging on a beach? One of the best ways to kick back and let the cash flow in is through dividend investing. Picture it: you buy some stock, sit back, and watch the dollars roll in with each quarterly payout. However, not all dividend stocks are winners. Some are more like that friend who always promises to pay you back, but never does. So, to try to save you from that disappointment, we’re diving into the top five dividend stocks with the highest yields, perfect for boosting your passive income.

What exactly is a dividend yield? Imagine you’re at a carnival and you’ve just bought a giant tub of popcorn. The dividend yield is like the percentage of popcorn you actually get to eat. In finance terms, it’s the ratio of annual dividends paid per share to the stock’s price per share. If a company’s stock is $100 and it pays you $5 in dividends, the yield is 5%. Simple math, no calculators needed!

Nevertheless, sometimes a company offers a sky-high yield because things aren’t going so great under the hood (cough cough Walgreens). So, while you want a juicy yield, you also want to make sure it’s coming from a company that’reliable. Now, how do you pick the best of dividend stocks? First, you’re looking for a high yield, but not too high. You don’t want to chase after a stock that’s about to turn into a pumpkin at midnight. A good rule of thumb is to find yields that are high, but still within a reasonable range (think 4-5%).

Next, you want a company with rock-solid fundamentals. We’re talking consistent earnings, manageable debt, and a solid history of making money. Think of it like picking a teammate for trivia night as you want someone who knows their stuff and won’t bail on you halfway through.Also, pay attention to the payout ratio, which is the percentage of earnings the company hands out as dividends. If it’s giving out more than it’s keeping, that’s a red flag. Thus, aim for companies that keep a nice chunk of their earnings to reinvest and grow.

Stock #1: AT&T Inc. (T)

Company Overview: Let’s talk AT&T, which is basically the grandparent of the telecommunications world. This company has been around longer than your grandma’s recipes and it’s still paying out dividends like clockwork. With services ranging from wireless to entertainment, AT&T is like the Swiss Army knife of communication.

Dividend Yield: Right now, AT&T is dishing out a yield of around 7.2%. That’s higher than your buddy’s weekly pizza intake and definitely something to get excited about.

Reasons for Selection: Why pick AT&T? Well, besides its generous yield, this company is sitting on a mountain of cash flow thanks to millions of customers who just can’t live without their smartphones. Plus, with all the buzz around 5G, AT&T’s got some serious growth potential. It’s like the tortoise in the race—slow and steady, but it always finishes with a win.

Additional Insights: Sure, AT&T has some debt, but let’s face it, who doesn’t these days? The important thing is they’re managing it well, so you can sleep easy knowing your dividends aren’t going anywhere.

Stock #2: Ford Motor Company (F)

Company Overview: Ford is basically America’s sweetheart of the automotive industry. This company’s been around for over a century, cranking out cars that are as iconic as apple pie and road trips. Even as the industry shifts towards electric vehicles (EVs), Ford’s keeping up with the times like a cool grandpa who knows how to use TikTok.

Dividend Yield: Ford is currently rolling with a dividend yield of about 4.8%. Thankfully, I bought some of my Ford position at $9.76 which was over a 6% dividend right before it went ex dividend for the quarter. The reason why I bought Ford when other stocks were falling on August 5th? Because Ford is like the reliable pickup truck of dividends: solid, dependable, and ready to haul in some cash!

Reasons for Selection: Ford’s dividend is fueled by its steady cash flow and smart moves in the EV market. It’s not just sitting in the garage, it’s hitting the open road with investments in future technologies. So, if you’re looking for a stock that’s more reliable than a GPS on a cross-country trip, Ford’s got you covered.

Additional Insights: Sure, the auto industry has its ups and downs, but Ford’s got the brand loyalty and innovation chops to keep driving forward. So, buckle up, this dividend isn’t running out of gas anytime soon.

Stock #3: Chevron Corporation (CVX)

Company Overview: Chevron is your go-to if you want to invest in energy without worrying about your lights going out. It’s like the strong, silent type: just getting the job done, no fuss!

Dividend Yield: Chevron’s giving out a yield of around 4.0%, which is solid and steady, just like their oil reserves.

Reasons for Selection: Chevron’s got the kind of disciplined capital management that would make your frugal grandma proud. Plus, with their global reach and diversified assets, they’re in a good spot to keep those dividends flowing like a gusher.

Additional Insights: Oil prices can be as unpredictable as the weather, but Chevron’s got the financial muscle to handle the ups and downs. So, even when the market’s a rollercoaster, you can count on Chevron to keep your dividends steady.

Stock #4: Pfizer Inc. (PFE)

Company Overview: Pfizer…yes, that Pfizer, the one that probably saved the world a couple of years ago. This pharmaceutical giant is like the superhero of the healthcare industry, always coming through in the clutch.

Dividend Yield: Pfizer’s dishing out a yield of about 4.5%, which is just what the doctor ordered for your portfolio.

Reasons for Selection: With a pipeline full of new drugs and a track record of innovation, Pfizer’s like the gift that keeps on giving. Their cash flow is as healthy as their patients, making it a top choice for dividend seekers.

Additional Insights: Sure, the pharmaceutical industry has its challenges, but Pfizer’s got the research and development chops to stay ahead of the curve. So, if you want a stock that’s as reliable as your morning coffee, Pfizer’s the one.

Stock #5: Verizon Communications Inc. (VZ)

Company Overview: Verizon—your trusty provider of internet and phone services, and also a great dividend payer. This company is like your favorite hoodie in that it’s comfortable, reliable, and always there when you need it.

Dividend Yield: Verizon’s yield is a cozy 7.5%, making it perfect for those who want to snuggle up with some solid returns.

Reasons for Selection: Verizon’s got the kind of stable cash flow that makes it easy to sleep at night. Plus, with their investments in 5G, they’re not just keeping up with the times they’re leading the charge.

Additional Insights: Competition is fierce, but Verizon’s got the resources to stay ahead. So, if you’re looking for a stock that’s as dependable as your Wi-Fi, Verizon’s a no-brainer.


So there you have the top five dividend stocks that could make your dreams of passive income a reality. AT&T Inc., Ford Motor Company, Chevron Corporation, Pfizer Inc., and Verizon Communications each offer unique advantages and some seriously sweet yields. But remember, even the best dividend stocks come with a side of risk. Great dividend stocks are like ordering the extra spicy wings, it’s thrilling, but you’ve still got to be prepared for the heat!

The Best Dividend Pie

All that said, how much of a dividend pie should you cut for yourself? Speaking for myself, I took a rather large slice for me of Ford at 300 shares but I will be returning for seconds if Ford falls below $9. In fact, buying more shares of Ford is the best way to play that stock because the price does not move that much and the dividend is safe. Would I do the same for Walgreens at the same prices because its yield is even higher? No way, because that dividend will definitely be cut. Ford will not even buy back shares because it is so focused on paying its dividend. Furthermore, Ford has even been kn own to offer special dividends during the year to shareholders! That is one dividend pie that I am more than happy to buy even on bad short term news!

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