Portfolio Update Early 2024

Although selling in late 2023 worked out well, it is time once again to sell a few under performing stocks in the portfolio. After a quick glance, AT&T and GE are leading the possibilities so far. AMD went from a possibility last time to a No Way this time as the stock continues to climb to new highs lately. T and GE are also up since a few months ago, but do not have the future potential of AMD due to AI.

Like last time, looking to combine a profit with a loss if possible. This would be the case with GE and T since GE is well above what was paid for it, but T is the biggest loss in the whole portfolio at the moment. Thus, these two will be watched very closely in the next month or two as well as any other stocks that appear to be broken or stuck for now.

On a better note, looking to buy a few solid leaders in the next year. This will mark the first time in about 5 years that stocks have been added to the portfolio! More AI is a possibility but mainly looking for industry leaders who continue to grow.

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